Month: December 2020

Christmas Tree Lights

The holidays were a little different this year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. After my first Christmas tree getting lost in the mail, I was sure if the second one I ordered would make it in time! Luckily it came a few days before Christmas!

Being that the tree came so close to the holiday, I didn’t have time to order decorations! The tree is pre-lit so it did not really need any decorations to feel festive!

Snow resting on a bush

Snow Resting

I took this macro shot of snow on one of the bushes in front of my house. You can see some of the details of the snow as it rests on the bush! I love macro photography because it allows you to focus on more of the details in the photo.

Snow mound and trees

Wall of Snow

After our record-breaking snowfall of nearly 3 feet of snow in the middle of December, the snow mounds were massive. At some point, the snow mounds were 3 to 4 feet high. To make the snow mounds even more dramatic, I shot this photo from a low angle.

Snow Falling

Historical snow storm drops 2 to 3 feet across Upstate NY

I can’t believe how much snow fell across the Capital Region during the overnight hours. Many areas saw 1-2′ of snow with some spots even seeing more than 30 inches.

Historic December 16-17 Snow Accumulations

See exact snowfall amounts.

The fascinating part about this storm is that it wasn’t that strong but was enhanced by an abnormally strong high pressure in Canada.

This storm rivals last year’s storm that dropped 2 feet of snow across Upstate NY. Here are some photos from the storm:

Historic December 16-17 Snowstorm Historic December 16-17 Snowstorm

Historic December 16-17 Snowstorm Historic December 16-17 Snowstorm Historic December 16-17 Snowstorm