Month: January 2021


Ice Teeth

Before the frigid temperatures settled in late last week, some icicles began to form on the roofs of many homes in the area. These icicles formed on my neighbor’s roof, with the longest one extending nearly halfway down the side of their house. Very impressive!

Tiny Watering Can

Tiny Watering Can

I have been searching for a minimal watering can for my plants.  I found this one on Etsy and was a little surprised to find how tiny it was when it came in the mail. I think I should have ordered the bigger one! 😂

A Bit Frosty

A Bit Frosty

Extremely cold weather is one of my favorites to photograph because you can see some of the ice crystals on the window. This was shot shortly after sunrise and by mid-morning the sun had melted whatever ice crystals remained on the window. 🥶

Yoga stacked stones

Finding and keeping your center

Everything around us is constantly changing. These changes can cause disturbances and distractions if we allow them to. 

Staying in the moment takes practice and patience because our mind is constantly distracted from fleeting moments throughout the day. Observe your thoughts for an hour and you will begin to see how your mind wanders from thought to thought and idea to idea. You can easily become lost in your mind as you follow these thoughts and ideas throughout the day. 

Part of staying in the moment is also about keeping your center. 

“That center is the seat of Self. From that seat, you are aware that there are thoughts, emotions, and a world coming in through your senses,” Michael Singer wrote in the book Untethered Soul.

For many of us, the events and things going on around us can trigger feelings or emotions inside of us. Being in your center does not mean you do not have feelings or emotions. It’s quite the opposite. It’s about being aware of those feelings and emotions and not getting lost in them.

Suppose someone does something that angers you or makes you upset. Does that outside action wreck your entire day? How about if someone cuts you off in the grocery store parking lot? Do you obsessively think about the situation and how that person made you feel? That’s being off your center. 

Staying in your center begins with awareness and from there you can observe almost like an outsider your thoughts and feelings. When someone or something grabs your attention, you can observe it and then return to your awareness. You are not getting caught up in the feelings or emotions because then you will be living in the past. 

Meditation is helpful in finding and keeping your center. It tunes you into your higher self by shifting your focus from external sources to yourself. This awareness allows you to find clarity and be free from distractions. 

Frigid Cold Lake

Frigid Cold

The lake at Collins Park in Scotia, NY is frozen over with some people ice fishing.  There were not too many people out and about because it was bitterly cold and breezy!

COVID-19 Vaccine

Why I got the COVID-19 vaccine

[vc_row][vc_column][ld_message title=”Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional or doctor. The information below is for informational purposes only. Consult with a doctor or medical professional for questions regarding your health, COVID-19, and vaccines.”][vc_column_text]Now that vaccines to defeat COVID-19 are being distributed, many are asking themselves whether or not they are going to roll up their sleeves and get the vaccine.

Snow Covered Trees

Snow Covered Trees

There is something magic to waking up in the morning to a winter wonderland. During the overnight hours, the Capital Region received a few inches of snow. I captured this photo from my kitchen of the snow-covered trees and my neighbor’s roof.