Report: Visitors are only skimming blogs

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Each one of us creating and consuming tons of content on a regular basis.

Every time we go online, we’re bombarded with photos, videos, and articles begging for us to click on it and watch, read, or listen to it.

For many, according to a new report by HubSpot found that the content marketers are not producing content that people want. 🤔

“Top content marketers aren’t simply cranking out blog posts and ebooks. Instead, they’re publishing on Medium, exploring live streaming video, and project managing web development tools,” HubSpot said.


While people may only be skimming blogs and content on websites, blogging still plays a vital role in content marketing.

Content that is more engaging and visual will outperform any blog or social media post that lacks visible elements. Before you begin posting, it should be standard procedure to highlight what visible and interactive elements you’re going to include in your article.

Still blog, it’s still valuable.

Blogging isn’t going anywhere, but social media will continue to push to evolve. Here are some ways to stand out and stay relevant with your blog:

  • If you’re not delivering visual content, you’re boring. Trust me, it’s challenging and time consuming to deliver visual content for every piece of content you’re producing. It’s worth it in the end. I’m a huge believer in using interactive web elements to tell more engaging stories.
  • Creating digestible content for multiple platforms. Content needs to be broken down and shared in small “snackable” bites to each of your most engaged social media channels. It starts on your website and then spreads throughout your social media channels.
  • Be an expert. Bloggers need to showcase their expertise on their blog and social media channels. Be someone that can be trusted in your field. You can do this by using a relationship-first approach to connecting with social media.
  • Utilize social media features. Social networks should not be viewed as a threat to blogging. In fact, they should embrace it to connect, engage, and drive traffic to your profiles and website/blog. Use social media features like Facebook Live, Periscope, polling, etc. to connect better with audiences.
  • Tell a story through your social media channels and website. People connect through stories. Share your story through your blog and continue sharing it through your social media channels. Provide people with exclusive content on your social channels to keep them engaged.

How should bloggers use social media to help draw readers to their site and social profiles?

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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