Following the breadcrumbs

Slice of bread on cutting board with breadcrumbs.

Life has a funny way of showing you the path and where to go. I like to think of this internal guidance like breadcrumbs.

You reach a breadcrumb then another one arrives and another then another. Sometimes we veer off the path because a breadcrumb triggers something in us or our emotions take over.

When we get off our life path, all we have to do is go inward to get back on our path. These breadcrumbs act as an internal compass to where we need to be in that moment.

Nothing more and nothing less. 

Oftentimes, our mind tries to misguide us or resist changes even though internally we know they are right or meant for us. One of our mind’s sole purposes is to protect us. Since it clings to the familiar, doing anything but the familiar is going to be quite triggering.

During these moments all we need to do is stay grounded and get out of the mind. Not an easy thing to do, but once we move out of the mind we can begin to see the breadcrumbs all around us. 

Breadcrumbs can be extremely subtle — it could be a song lyric that speaks to you, a new show or book you recently discovered or meeting someone unexpected. You’ll know based on the feeling you get when you come across it. Pay especially attention if something keeps popping up for you – a message, person, or idea.

Before my spiritual journey, I used to be bothered by the little things. Someone driving too slow, the cashier taking too long to ring someone up at the store, or my food not coming out the way I wanted or expected it to be. If we allow these moments to take over, they can cloud our judgment and accumulate negativity within us. 

It is the moment when you randomly get detoured from your usual route home. When this happens to me, immediately I begin to pay attention. Instead of viewing this as an inconvenience, I look at it as a time for discovery and adventure. What am I supposed to see right now?  

It is a natural curiosity about the things going on all around you. Staying grounded by decluttering our mind, clearing out our past traumas, and not getting bothered by the little things that will illuminate your path. It will also help you focus on your surroundings.

Once you begin this journey, you will begin to see how the breadcrumbs are all connected. That detour you took is linked to you meeting someone who connects you with a new job or opportunity. It all comes back full circle. 

The fun part starts when you start getting confirmation that you are on the right path. Things will start appearing in your reality that you will just know it is meant to be. Trust your intuition and let those spontaneous changes to your life lead you to those breadcrumbs. You will not be disappointed. 

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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