Erasing the past

Eraser on a Number 2 pencil.

As controversial as this may sound, if I had the choice, I would not want to erase a single thing from my past.

I believe that everything in our past makes us who we are today and removing any piece of that could jeopardize where we are in this moment.

This idea of erasing the past, reminds me of the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind where the premise of the movie is erasing unhappy moments from people’s lives.

While at the surface erasing these often painful memories may seem like an attractive offer, I believe these experiences help us grow. Without them, would we be who we are today? How would we grow and learn lessons?

The key is also to release these experiences from our past so they do not direct our life long after they happened. It all comes down to attachment and how we relate to these memories. Every second of our lives is a new opportunity to create and start something new. We cannot do that if we are stuck in those past memories and experiences.

Ups and downs are part of life. If we can allow ourselves to be present with these experiences, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, and then release them you will no longer wish to have them erased.

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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