Real love is not what others can do for you

Neon love sign.

Love is all around us. Love is the highest vibration that we can empower on the planet. 

I came across a TikTok video that made me think about how I show up in my relationships. The video talks about how real is love is not what others can do for you but who they are showing up in front of you. 

Real love is not about how the person makes you feel, but who they are as a person. Often times, we hear people talk about how the person makes them feel and what they do for the other person instead of who the person is. 

I believe this is a trap of our modern world that we are looking for the feeling that we can get when we are with someone. Looking back, just like the person who posted the video, all of those relationships whether platonic or romantic that I set an expectation to get something out of it never really worked out. 

The reasoning ties closely with my spiritual work and the journey I have been on over the past few weeks and months. When we need someone to fulfill something in us — whether it is a feeling of love, happiness, or any type of feeling we are coming from a place of lack. If we feel fulfilled or moved because someone did something for us — that means we are not doing that already for ourselves. 

This does not mean we do not accept things that people do for us. It just cannot replace what we are already providing for ourself. If you feel inadequate and look to your partner to fulfill that missing part of you then you are coming from a place of lack. 

Our relationships are mirrors of who we are in the present moment. True love is recognizing and accepting who the person is right there in front of us. Not our projections, fears, or our expectations of who they need to be for us. The right person will automatically fill that role. 

We do not have to rely on tactics or strategies to get them to show up for us. We do not have to worry about compatibility and love languages. They will naturally just be there because they want to be. They will see us just like we see them. It is like the final puzzle piece being placed in the puzzle.

 It is working through the stuff that allows us to be present not only with ourselves but also in our relationships. It is being in this present moment that allows us to experience the true love that surrounds us. 

When we are absorbed in our past or the future — what are limiting our capacity to feel true love that is all around us. That is because we are no longer being present in our lives our with the people that are in them. 

Do you agree that real love is not what others can do for you, but who they are as a person?

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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