Why I prefer blogging over social posting

Title Writing

Blogging has been a part of my life since middle school.

I remember having my first blog on Xanga when I was in the seventh grade. Social media did not take off until I was in high school.

Blogging and social media both have a lot of similarities but my preference is blogging.

For me, blogging allows me to connect better with my readers. I can elaborate on my posts in more creative and informative ways than social media posts. I love creating interactive content to add context to my posts whenever I can.

Social media has its place but blogging allows me to build a unique community on my own terms. In a crowded social media space, blogging is a breath of fresh air.

Do you prefer blogging or social media?

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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