Messages to the future

Notecard with pencil on wooden desk.

While the past can provide us lessons, the future is uncharted territory.

Many of us are drawn to things that can give clues to what the future may hold. Often times, we try to use the past to try to predict the future because that is all we know.

If I could send messages to people in the future, I would want to express that one of the biggest lessons that I have learned is to not let the past dictate your future. The past can serve as a reference point, a guide post, a marker, but it is not necessarily a future destination unless we choose it.

The messages would serve as inspiration to my family and community. I believe there can never be enough inspiration, guidance, and reminders to find peace in the present moment. In a such a technology and work-driven culture, we could use messages of hope, love and acceptance to help us navigate an ever changing world.

Life will always challenge us in ways we never have imagined. I follow the spiritual concept of everything is done for you, not to you. It is messages like these that will give you the permission to release what no longer serves you. Allows you to free yourself from old attachments, wounds, accomplishments, to clear that slate and allow for a future you are destined to have.

The future holds infinite possibilities and we have the power to create the future we want to have.

If you could send messages to people in the future, who would you send them to? What would they say?

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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