Acts of kindness

Heart hands around a setting sun.

Last night while waiting in line to buy some of the items I purchased for the upcoming winter storm in Upstate NY, there was a couple ahead of me buying a ton of house items.

A full cart of items ranging from dishware to bedding.

While waiting, the couple disclosed to the cashier and somewhat to the growing line of people that they were buying the items for a family recently affected by a house fire and that they wanted to give back.

I was not bothered that I had to wait even before they disclosed they were buying the items for a local family. Their conversation with the cashier was interesting and I was not in a rush. Everyone in the line was also patient and did not seem to be bothered by it.

I could not help but write about this couple and their act of kindness to someone in the community. While their mission was not to be recognized, it did not go unnoticed. With so much going on in the world today it is a friendly reminder that even during hardship and tragedy there are still good people willing to help those in need.

It reminds me of the quote from Mr. Rogers encouraging those during difficult times to look for the helpers. If you look carefully, they are all around us.

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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