How do you want to be remembered?

A glass jar with a Polaroid photo inside that says 'memories'.

I came across this deep writing prompt about how you want to be remembered and it immediately put everything in perspective for me. 

First, I love this prompt because it forces you to reflect on how you are showing or not showing up for yourself. It creates an opportunity for you to become the person you want to be.

A therapist I had a few years ago reminded me that life will always throw things at you. And it could not be more true. It is just the way it is. What matters most is what we choose to do about the different circumstances that show up in our life. 

My mission is to leave the planet, in my own unique way, better off than when I arrived. To live fully and to not let fear hold me back from my dreams. To inspire those around me, lead through example, and help foster a welcoming, kind, and nurturing community for myself and others. 

To, without hesitation, give back to those in need, encourage those who are living their dreams and those who are still finding themselves, to never give up, always challenge myself, to listen more, embrace “success and failure” equally, and learn from others. 

Every day, I try to hold myself to that mission. 

How do you want to be remembered? 

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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