Your schedule shows your priorities

Green planner book beside orange and white pen.

Each one of us has 24 hours in a day. What we do with that time is up to us.

A few days ago, I was scrolling on social media when I came across a post about schedules and priorities. It stood out to me because it reminded me of the importance of what we choose to do with our days.

Whether you schedule every minute of your day or not, what you do with your day shows your priorities. Our schedule is another form of our word and a way for us to express what we value in our lives.

There are infinite number of possibilities that we can do with our days. Sometimes that includes work, family time, leisure time, etc. The amount of time we are allotting to these various activities shows us our priorities.

It is easy to say I am x,y,z but are we prioritizing it within our schedules? If you claim your family is a priority then family events should be all over your schedule. If making money is a priority then networking and work events should dominate your schedule.

As always, find what works for you and your life.

Schedules are meant to change

Do not get caught up in what your schedule is like today. I love the idea of checking my schedule periodically to make sure it aligns with who I am and my core values. Our schedules are meant to change as we evolve.

If you do not like your schedule today, you can always change it. While we all have responsibilities, we are in control of our destiny. We each have the power to be the person we want to be. It may take some time, some struggle, but embrace those small shifts and changes. Sometimes all it takes is changing up our days and priorities.

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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