What makes a blog great

Someone writing in cursive with a fountain pen.

Writing is a form of expression for me. It allows me to connect with different parts of myself that my other work like my photography may not showcase.

Blogging is a way for me to share my writing with the world. I enjoy sharing personal anecdotes, life stories, and things I find inspirational.

A great blog or post great is when you can get a glimpse of the person’s world. They feel comfortable showing parts of themselves that allow you to relate to them.

In order to be relatable, you have to be willing to be vulnerable. It is the personal stories that we share. The tidbits allow someone you may have never met to connect with a situation or circumstance that may be those closest to you have never felt.

Whether it is the entire blog or a single post, the way someone writes and speaks to your soul is what makes it great. How I write and share my perspective with the world will not resonate with every person.

And that is okay.

A great blog does not try to resonate with everyone. They speak their truth and it will find and resonate with the right people. I have found in my work when I try to be something for everyone, I find myself being less vulnerable in my work. You can tell in the way someone writes or posts on their website or social media posts when they are tiptoeing around being vulnerable.

Storytelling is what makes people come back for more. It is the stories you share and how you tell it. One person telling the same story may not connect with you in the same way that you do. Your work and storytelling are unique to you. It is the uniqueness of your writing and how you tell stories that cannot be replicated.

A great blog does not try to be something it is not. It is not following the traditional path of everyone else. It is willing to be vulnerable enough to stand out among the rest.

What do you consider to be a great blog or post?

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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