The trap as we start letting go

White feather under blue sky with clouds.

Our past has a funny way of sneaking back up into our lives if we let it.

Letting things go as quickly as I can has been a personal mantra over the past few years. Our past can act like a weight if we are not letting go. The past is the past and does not define our present or future.

There is a trap in letting go and releasing our past if we are not careful. Once we begin letting go we begin to feel better and lighter. Once we begin to feel better and lighter, we may stop releasing the past since we are feeling better.

As we begin holding onto things again, we start feeling heavy and weighted down. We become irritated and easily bothered by people and situations around us. I am guilty of this too in my spiritual journey.

One way I like to check in with myself is to visualize a feather. This allows me to check in with myself and see how I am doing. If I am feeling heavy, unsettled, or anxious then the feather is getting weighted down and I need to do some inner reflection and releasing. The goal is to keep the feather floating as high up in the air as possible.

We all have histories and things that are easy to let go of and things that are much harder to. That is okay. The feather visualization is meant to become aware of these feelings, process them in a healthy way, and let them go.

I always stress that spirituality is not about being positive all the time and pretending that everything is okay. Life will challenge and push us to grow and heal. Be patient

I'm a digital content specialist with the Office of the New York State Comptroller. I specialize in digital strategies, website management, and content marketing.

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